Research Platform

Women in French and Japanese Literatures

The research group ‘Women in French and Japanese Literatures (11th-18th centuries)’ aims at opening a dialogue on the representation of women in the medieval and early modern French and Japanese literatures. A first workshop willl be held at Kyoto University on the 06th of July. It will focus on the theme « Clothing and Self-Adornment » in major narratives of French and Japanese Literature written by women, such as紫式部 (『源氏物語』, The Tale of Genji) and Madame de Lafayette (『クレーヴの奥方』, La Princesse de Clèves).

Team leaderJustine Le Floc’h,  Kyoto University, Program-specific Associate Professor, French Literature
Other membersLucile Druet,  Kansai Gaidai University, Associate Professor, Art History and Aesthetics
Shuzo Muneyuki,  Kyoto University of Education, Professor Emeritus, Japanese Literature
Contact details of the project team
URL related to the project team or the event
