The Mindful Living Research Group, as part of the Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS, Shishukan), Kyoto University, is a graduate and post-graduate seminar focusing on “mindful living,” in search for the “good life” in the 21st century. Originally a Buddhist concept, the core life-skill of “mindfulness” has become an essential notion at the crossroads of East and West, mind and body, classical humanities and cognitive sciences, philosophy and medicine, research and application. Approaching mindfulness according to the model of the “threefold wisdom” (study, reflection, and practice), we offer a structured program in Buddhist philosophy (based upon its classical texts and languages), which linked to other major fields (psychology, education, informatics, etc.) through skillful interdisciplinary study, can potentially become applied in the “life-world.” We welcome graduate or post-graduate research projects, and we organize regular research meetings, reading group, mindfulness practice, interdisciplinary workshops, cultural activities, collaborating together on academic publications and social applications.